星期三, 9月 26, 2012

Oracle檢測帳號是否仍使用(not expired)

col username for a25
col account_status for a8
col default_tablespace for a10
select username , account_status , created , default_tablespace from dba_users where account_status not like 'EXPIRED%';

SQL> alter user TEST account lock;
#使密碼失效 , 若下次解鎖登入後 , 會要求更改新密碼
SQL> alter user TEST password expire;
SQL> alter user TEST account unlock;

#List All User Roles with dba 權限
select granted_role , grantee from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS where grantee in (select username from dba_users)  and granted_role in ('DBA','SYSDBA') order by GRANTEE;



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