星期四, 6月 07, 2012

Aix Oracle RAC ORA-00240: control file enqueue held for more than 120 seconds

    由於沒太多跡象顯示10g 上有類似的問題 , 從oracle support 看到11g 新增ASM空間有可能因為此BUG 造成DB hang 住 , 考量該bug , 目前先朝 Tuning ASM instance 方向處理.
    調整後 已正常運作一陣子.

後記與分析 :

發現redo log switch , archiver arc0 發生了 KSV master wait 事件 , 也意指
ASM file metadata operation 過程中 , 遇到該問題 , 這一段相關的記憶體為
ASM db_cache_size , 故需依照Oracle 建議將其放大

以下為IBM Tuning ASM 文件
Oracle Parameters
The following parameters are suggested in the document Oracle Database 10g Release 2
Automatic Storage Management Overview and Technical Best Practices:
Parameters to be included in the spfile for databases using ASM:
1. Increase Processes by 16
2. Increase Large_Pool by 600k
3. Increase Shared Pool by (1M per 100GB of usable space) +
2M (assumes external redundancy is chosen)
Parameters to be included in the spfile of the ASM instances:
The Best Practices guide suggests this value to make ASM rebalance operations a low
priority; however, this can potentially cause rebalance operations to occur during peak
volume times. This parameter can also be set to 0 to prevent accidental rebalance
operations from occurring during peak loads, which may be preferable for many
environments. This parameter can be raised specifically when rebalancing is desired.
2. Processes=25 + 15n, where “n” is the number of databases which will use ASM.
tuning 建議計算如下:
vi /oracle/admin/+ASM/pfile
processes=70 (有三個instances , test , pdsms , RMAN , processes=25+ 15*3 =70 )
shared_pool_size=64M ( ASM total disk size : 6.2TB ==> shared pool : 62MB + 2MB=64MB)
ASM_POWER_LIMIT=1 ==> default value

以下為Oracle 原廠tuning 建議:
Oracle Database 11g Release 1 and 10g Release 2
Automatic Storage Management Overview and Technical Best Practices (ASM_11gR1_BestPractices_v34.pdf)
Processes = 25 + (10 + [max number of concurrent database file creations, and file extend operations possible] )*n
The number n is the number of databases connecting to ASM
processes= 25 + (10 + 80) * 2 =205 , 80 datafiles 數量 加總 logfile 數量得來 , 假如你的環境只有10 個datafile 跟 6 個redo log , 可將80 替換為 16。



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