星期四, 12月 01, 2011

Oracle Table Lock

row share lock :
當一個row update正在進行時,此row 可被查詢,原始資料存放在rollback segment,
此row 可被查詢便是處於row share 狀態,其他使用者可以讀取或修改table資料,但
被阻止使用alter table..更改表格結構,或drop table 動作

row exclusive lock: 當一個session update某row 後,仍未commit,或rollback
其餘update此row的session 會無法下commit動作,可避免兩個使用者同時更新同一筆
(1z0-042 p43)

V$LOCKLists the locks currently held by Oracle Database and outstanding requests for a lock or latch
DBA_BLOCKERSDisplays a session if it is holding a lock on an object for which another session is waiting
DBA_WAITERSDisplays a session if it is waiting for a locked object
DBA_DDL_LOCKSLists all DDL locks held in the database and all outstanding requests for a DDL lock
DBA_DML_LOCKSLists all DML locks held in the database and all outstanding requests for a DML lock
DBA_LOCKLists all locks or latches held in the database and all outstanding requests for a lock or latch
DBA_LOCK_INTERNALDisplays a row for each lock or latch that is being held, and one row for each outstanding request for a lock or latch



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