星期一, 8月 24, 2015

FWD: 如何從11g DB downgrade 到9i DB (使用export/ import)

如何從11g DB downgrade 9i DB (使用export/ import)

import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character setSegmentation Fault (coredump)

ref: http://dbarajabaskar.blogspot.tw/2009_09_01_archive.html


Last week I migrated some schemas from 11g database ( to 9i database (

I used to export the 11g schemas using oracle 9i binary & exported successfully.
While importing 11g schema's into 9i database I faced below issues.

Error: import done in US7ASCII character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character setSegmentation Fault (coredump)

Operating system: Sun Solaris 10 / 64 bit processor


I exported the 11g schema's using 10g binary and imported into 10g database 
successfully. While import using 9i binary, I faced above issue. 

Finally I tried below steps. Its working fine.

Solution: (Metalink Note: 550740.1)

Problem occurs on any platform: Version: to


You need to export data from 11g and import into 9iR2. For this reason, the exp utility version 9iR2 is used to extract data from 11g. There are two aspects of this


1. Connect to database 11g as SYSDBA with SQL*Plus

2. Change the definition of view EXU9DEFPSWITCHES from:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW exu9defpswitches ( 
compflgs, nlslensem ) AS 
SELECT a.value, b.value 
FROM sys.v$parameter a, sys.v$parameter b 
WHERE a.name = 'plsql_compiler_flags' AND 
b.name = 'nls_length_semantics' 

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW exu9defpswitches ( 
compflgs, nlslensem ) AS 
SELECT a.value, b.value 
FROM sys.v$parameter a, sys.v$parameter b 
WHERE a.name = 'plsql_code_type' AND 
b.name = 'nls_length_semantics' 

3. Re-start exp version 9iR2 to extract from 11g

4. Import the new dump using imp version 9iR2.

Reference: www.metalink.oracle.com 

I Hope this article helped to you. Suggestions are welcome. 



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